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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment in Pearland, TX

Your daily movements and cherished hobbies are made possible by the function of your arms and hands. Unfortunately, the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms causes once simple tasks to become hindered by relentless discomfort, tingling, and pain. To foster sustainable relief, Lance LaFleur, MD, provides carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Pearland, TX.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment in Pearland, TX

Discover Sustainable Relief

At the Texas Institute of Pain & Spine, we recognize the strain of carpal tunnel syndrome and strive to provide effective, long-term relief. Led by Lance LaFleur, MD, PLLC, a board-certified anesthesiologist and pain medicine specialist with certifications in musculoskeletal and regenerative medicine, we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of minor to severe carpal tunnel syndrome.

Understanding the Carpal Tunnel

The carpal tunnel is a narrow part of the wrist that serves as a gateway for the median nerve. The median nerve spans the full length of the arm into the hands and fingers via the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel also provides access to tendons that extend into the hands, making it a critical passageway.

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that compromises the structural integrity and function of the wrist. This condition develops as a result of bone or ligament swelling. When this occurs, it causes an increase in pressure against the median nerve. This causes the median nerve to become compressed or pinched within the carpal tunnel.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Causes

Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms are the result of a compressed or pinched median nerve. However, the causes of this occurrence vary and may include:

  • Wrist injuries that cause carpal tunnel inflammation
  • Tendon inflammation triggered by repetitive hand/finger movements
  • Overuse of the wrist or hand
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Menopause, pregnancy, and hormonal changes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Diabetes

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms can be minor to severe, depending on the extent of the patient’s condition. Common symptoms associated with this condition include:

  • Aching pain in the wrist that radiates into the palm or up the arm
  • Tingling sensations or numbness in the hand, fingers, and/or arm
  • Weakness of the wrist/hand
  • Elevated pain at night

Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is typically easily identified by patients experiencing the associated symptoms. However, to achieve a definitive diagnosis, you must schedule an assessment with a specialist, such as Lance LaFleur, MD. Dr. LaFleur will review your medical history, symptoms, and diagnostic studies to confirm the presence and severity of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatments

Proactive intervention is imperative for the success of carpal tunnel syndrome treatments. Failing to address the underlying cause of carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms facilitates ongoing nerve pressure that may otherwise lead to irreversible nerve damage. However, early intervention enables us to effectively address and correct these conditions using conservative treatment modalities.

Non-Invasive Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatments

Dr. Lance LaFleur specializes in comprehensive carpal tunnel syndrome treatments. Depending on the severity of the condition, we may recommend one or a combination of the following treatments:

  • Splints to immobilize the compromised wrist
  • Lifestyle modifications to limit wrist strain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome medication, including anti-inflammatories and/or pain relievers
  • Steroid injections
  • Physical therapy

Advanced Stage Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery

Advanced-stage carpal tunnel syndrome may not respond to conservative treatments. These patients may need carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. This procedure, known as carpal tunnel release, is designed to alleviate the excess pressure on the median nerve by enlarging the passageway of the carpal tunnel.

Contact Us for Effective Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatments

Eliminate your carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms with the Texas Institute of Pain & Spine. Invest in the highest standards of quality care with Dr. Lance LaFleur, MD, in Pearland, TX, to overcome the uncomfortable symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Contact our team today to schedule a consultation.

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